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Mental Health Week.

Mental Health week.

Being its Mental Health week, I thought I would do a blog on the benefits of owning a pet and how it can help your mental health.

I know for sure that my pets make me happy, they make me laugh, smile and comfort me when I am feeling down.

Pets never judge, they never look at you and think you look bad without your makeup, or your still in your jammies at 2 pm on a Sunday.

They love you with their whole being, they love you regardless of what you look like, what you drive.

I love my walks with my dogs, and feel so much better after I get home, they are happy and relaxed which makes me feel happy too.

When I get home, they are so happy to see me, in fact I can go to the washroom and come out and they are just as happy to see me….Daisy thinks I have a trap door in the washroom that I will disappear out of if she doesn’t come into the washroom with

Having pets for some, gives them a purpose to get up in the morning, a purpose to get out and take a walk.  Pets rely on us to take care of them, in return they give us so much more.

I know that without my pets, my heart would be so empty, my house too quiet.

Go give your pet a hug , I know I will when I get home!

Lifelearn Admin

Author Lifelearn Admin

S. Fontana is a LifeLearn author.

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