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How To Thank A Tick

I’ve been thinking a lot about ticks and Lyme disease this spring. Tick numbers in Durham Region are on the rise. Every day, I talk with dog owners about the realities of Lyme disease. Dogs are more resistant (than humans) to developing Lyme disease and knowing the risks, symptoms and strategies for avoidance can help manage our fears about exposure to ticks. This week one of my clients asked, “What are ticks good for? I mean, why do they even exist?”
“I’ve often wondered the same thing about wasps.” I answered. That conversation got me wondering if there is a way to thank ticks for their existence. I decided it would be easiest to start by thanking my dog.

Thank you Gryphon for reminding me that it’s important to check you over every night. I need to feel for any bumps that could be a tick that’s hitched a ride on your handsome furry face! Without you, I may have seen one news story about Lyme disease, felt a pang of anxiety, told myself to wear long pants while camping this summer and then … within a week, forgotten all about the threat of ticks. As usual Gryphon – you’re da bomb dawg!

Ok, that was easy. Now, on to thanking ticks. This is tougher but here we go.

Dear Deer Tick,
I heard Mom talking about how you like to hang out in long grass. She said you like rabbits too. We have a lot in common! I like to sniff stuff, how about you? I like pretty much everyone I meet. Sometimes I eat bugs though, even the ones that sting, so I’m sorry if I ever eat you or someone in your family. Anyway, I need to thank you. I’ve been getting checked over every night for ticks. It’s like a full body massage – I feel myself getting sleepy just thinking about it! Well, time for me to get back to work. I’m on backyard bunny patrol today – I just bark real loud and scare them off so they don’t eat Mom’s flowers. She doesn’t like that.
Everyone’s furry friend,
Gryphon D’Or


Author brockstreetah1

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  • Christine Amsden says:

    Great little story! Thanks for making me smile even though I dread this time of year, but like Gryphon, Coby has no problem at all laying on the floor and enjoying the daily (sometimes twice in the same day) massage and attention this gets him. We’ll see you on the 27th 🙂

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